In November 2024, researchers from the Center for Global Sustainability (CGS) visited the Blink electric vehicle charging station manufacturing and production facility in Bowie, Maryland. The CGS team toured the facility with the State of Maryland’s Energy Industry Revitalization and Energy Resilience & Efficiency Working Groups and had the opportunity to speak with Blink staff, discussing the challenges and opportunities in establishing electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure.
The transportation sector accounts for the largest portion of total emissions in Maryland, making the electrification of vehicles and the build-out of EV infrastructure crucial to the state’s emissions mitigation strategy and to reaching its overall climate goals. As part of this strategy, an all-of-society approach will be essential for coordinated efforts and implementation. In the discussions, the groups emphasized the importance of these groups (energy industry leaders, small businesses, universities, and local governments) working together to enable bold climate action that leaves no one behind.
As part of this effort, CGS, under the Maryland Commission on Climate Change’s Energy Industry Revitalization Working Group (EIRWG), wrote a report evaluating the potential impacts of the energy transition on small businesses and existing power facilities. While developing the report, CGS interviewed small business owners and energy facility operators across Maryland to understand their perspectives and experiences with the energy transition, exploring how the state might best support these businesses and operators as they shift to a clean energy economy and engage in a just energy transition.
"To reach Maryland’s ambitious climate goals, it’s important to foster relationships and support businesses in decarbonization efforts," said CGS Maryland Program Director and lead author of the report, Kathleen Kennedy. “With the support of the Maryland Department of Commerce and Prince George’s County, Blink is not only supporting decarbonization and vehicle electrification but is also creating clean energy jobs for Marylanders."
In early 2024, Blink opened a production facility and established its global headquarters in Bowie, Maryland, creating new EV jobs and spurring economic development in the state. The siting of a leading global provider of EV infrastructure and services in Maryland underscores the state’s commitment to its climate goals and its leadership in fostering the clean energy transition.
“Blink is committed to advancing the energy transition through innovative charging solutions,” said Beth Villarreal, brand communications manager at Blink. “With our new manufacturing facility and warehouse in Bowie, Maryland, we’ve added capacity to exponentially increase our production of Buy America-compliant Level 2 EV charging stations. We’re proud to help businesses and communities become more energy independent through innovative EV charging stations designed and built right here in Prince George’s County.”
Achieving Maryland’s climate goals requires a full-scale transformation of its transportation sector. Blink’s position in Maryland helps with the buildout of Maryland’s own EV infrastructure and infrastructure development worldwide. Through job creation and subsequent economic development, Blink Charging’s manufacturing facility and headquarters are just one example of how the energy transition can support thriving communities, create jobs, and build local economies while accomplishing climate goals.