At SPP, our projects are impactful. We're researching the world's most pressing issues, from climate change to cybersecurity.
The School of Public Policy is home to world-renowned experts on a range of topics. At the School, their work is focused on making a difference — for children and families, for our nation and for our planet. Students have the opportunity to work directly with faculty members to engage in exciting, hands-on opportunities to build a better tomorrow.

Through our research on the state of global coal, CGS conducts analysis on the trends of global coal power -- leveraging and building on new global datasets to paint a global and country-specific picture of coal power worldwide.
Learn More about Program to Accelerate the Global Coal Transition
How can policymakers tackle governance challenges in the face of rapid technological change?
Learn More about Governing Emerging Technologies in the 21st Century
The Center for Global Sustainability is the analytical lead for America Is All In - a coalition of over 4,000 cities, states, businesses, universities, communities of faith, and others that have pledged their commitment to support the goals of the Paris Agreement. CGS works with U.S. subnational and international partners to deliver analysis that informs how an "all-of-society" climate strategy can drive actionable and feasible policy. CGS informs U.S. climate policy from the local to global through developing integrated modeling and climate scenarios for the federal government, advising on international discussions to ramp up ambition, and collaborating from the bottom up to move the resources necessary to set and achieve ambitious climate goals.
Learn More about U.S. Program
Successfully addressing the climate crisis while achieving sustainable development goals will require carefully constructed strategies to enact rapid economic transitions to a cleaner economy—tailored to national circumstances and priorities. The Center for Global Sustainability has deep expertise in country-specific analytical and policy approaches across key sectors and in support of a 1.5°C-pathway.
Learn More about National Climate Strategies
As violent conflict shifts markedly from the inter-state arena to civil wars, the need for sustained global engagement to foresee, mediate, and prevent civil conflict grows.
Learn More about Civil Violence
Our overall goal is to foster and sustain a dynamic and interdisciplinary culture and infrastructure at the University of Maryland that promotes intellectual exchange and collaborative research and training with the aim of increasing the pipeline of researchers and policymakers focused on reducing and eliminating health inequities through effective social, environmental and health policy.
Learn More about Health In All Policy Initiative
A collaborative space on campus that supports and helps to scale up students' innovative solutions to our world's most pressing challenges.
The Accelerator plays host to a number of training, development and networking opportunities to enable promising nonprofits, projects and socially-minded businesses the chance to grow their reach and impact.
Learn More about Do Good Accelerator
Share your social impact and compete for a chance to win a share of nearly $40,000
Pitch your social impact and compete for a chance to win a share of nearly $40,000. The Do Good Challenge is an annual, campus-wide social impact pitch competition for students that have developed solutions for pressing social issues.
Learn More about Do Good Challenge
The Do Good Faculty Fellows program supports faculty members as scholars, teachers, advisors, and educational leaders who want to explore social innovation broadly and deeply. Fellows will consider how students can engage in social innovation in its various forms (e.g. service-learning, civic engagement, philanthropy) and how they can engage students in their courses to address social problems. During the program, the Do Good Faculty Fellows will propose, and ultimately implement, an innovative Do Good course or curriculum within their respective specializations, departments, colleges, schools, or units.
Learn More about Do Good Faculty Fellows
Propose and receive funding for your social impact initiative
Do Good Mini-Grants provide funding for student-led and student-run projects, ventures, or events that aim to create a positive social or environmental impact. Receive up to $750 to support your efforts to do good on or off campus!
Learn More about Mini-Grants
The Center for Global Sustainability focuses on policies that can help in accelerating the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. This includes assessment of emerging technologies, institutional structures and policies, and financing models both in the United States and in diverse global contexts.
Learn More about Energy Pathways: Innovation, Economics, and Policy
How do multi-stakeholder governance initiatives form? What drives or impedes cross-sector cooperation? And when are multi-stakeholder approaches most effective?
Learn More about Exploring Multi-Stakeholder Governance
A unique feature of our work is a global philanthropy and NGO leadership effort. This growing area immerses and engages graduate and undergraduate students in major international philanthropic and NGO leadership issues throughout the world. Through a variety of learning and development experiences, students are equipped to make a significant difference around the globe. The program offers multiple compelling field-based abroad experiences offered through the School of Public Policy.
Learn More about Global Philanthropy
Minimizing the most serious forms of cyber attack, espionage, and crime without hindering beneficial uses of information technology requires skillful multi-stakeholder governance.
Learn More about A Holistic Approach to Cybersecurity Risk Management
In today’s security environment, civil conflicts, mass migration, climate change, epidemics, and other emergent phenomena create multiple, often overlapping, instabilities that exacerbate human insecurity.
Learn More about Human Security
Government, at all levels, spends trillions of tax dollars each year on goods and services. The increasing complex interplay of acquiring, maintaining, and securing these goods and services remains a fundamental supporting activity. To do so government acquisition must be managed and secured in an effective and efficient manner throughout the entire acquisition cycle, from requirements development, through sustainment and disposal.
Learn More about Improving the Practice of Public Sector Acquisition
The mission of The Closing the Investment Gap Initiative (CIG) is to develop a country-led, facilitated approach to close this investment gap. This approach involves the governments of developing countries working with investors and financial sector representatives to prepare key projects so that they are well aligned with the criteria of private capital.
Learn More about Initiative on Closing the Investment Gap in Sustainable Infrastructure
Achieving nuclear security requires fundamental changes in international relationships, the reduction of risks associated with nuclear weapons programs, and new systems to manage and secure civilian nuclear materials and facilities.
Learn More about Nuclear Past, Present and Future
The Pizzigati Initiative builds a pipeline of informed, effective advocates through teaching, training and applied research
Learn More about The Karabelle Pizzigati Initiative in Advocacy for Children, Youth and Families
CGS is working to demonstrate new ways that universities can serve their states and communities as research and innovation hubs, and as neutral state conveners for policy discussions, providing the basis for deep collaboration for their regions, states, and businesses.
Learn More about Policy Research and Engagement for the State of Maryland
Even in non-democracies, public attitudes matter. So what does the public think?
Learn More about Public Opinion on International Policies
Technological and geopolitical developments underscore the need to balance a desire to preserve complete freedom of action and widely accepted governing rules as the basis for space operations.
Learn More about Re-evaluating Space Security
CGS is working from the top down and bottom up to designing equitable solutions and implementing climate adaptation efforts, through analysis and research into priority areas, financing opportunities, and comprehensive long-term resilience planning.
Learn More about Resilience, Adaptation, & Community Building
Improving U.S. and European security policy making toward Iran requires increasing public and official understanding of the concerns and perspectives of Iran’s leaders and citizens.
Learn More about Security Cooperation with Iran: Challenges and Opportunities
CGS is exploring how universities can harness their natural, neutral convening power to drive cross-sector, collaborative policy making and serve as a test-ground for ambitious policy and ideas.
Learn More about Universities as Drivers of Climate Action
How can the United States and Russia build a more constructive, cooperative international security relationship?
Learn More about US-Russian Security Relations
The Fellowship Program is tailored to support undergraduate and graduate students passionate about exploring racial and/or social equity within public leadership.
Learn More about Thurgood Marshall Research Fellowship Program