School of Public Policy doctoral student Clifton Cottrell was recently accepted into the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship program, UMD Global STEWARDS. Cottrell will join the first cohort of the program.
He will help build the interdisciplinary UMD science and policy community. Through the program, UMD Global STEWARDS will explore a range of topics in three research areas: agricultural resilience through energy-efficient water reuse; food safety and security in variable climate scenarios; and decision support systems to advance food-energy-water adaptation strategies.
Colton Campbell, an undergraduate student, recently received the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's STAR (Special Thanks and Recognition) Award. He was given the award as recognition of his hard work during an internship with FDIC's Division of Resolutions and Receivership (DRR).
During his internship, Campbell developed a record management process for DRR Complex Financial Institution Branch's Part 370 intranet site to establish a system records and ensure compliance with the FDIC's directive on record and information management.