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Energy systems in scenarios at net-zero CO2 emissions

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Abstract: Achieving net-zero CO2 emissions has become the explicit goal of many climate-energy policies around the world. Although many studies have assessed net-zero emissions pathways, the common features and tradeoffs of energy systems across global scenarios at the point of net-zero CO2 emissions have not yet been evaluated. Here, we examine the energy systems of 177 net-zero scenarios and discuss their long-term technological and regional characteristics in the context of current energy policies. We find that, on average, renewable energy sources account for 60% of primary energy at net-zero (compared to ∼14% today), with slightly less than half of that renewable energy derived from biomass. Meanwhile, electricity makes up approximately half of final energy consumed (compared to ∼20% today), highlighting the extent to which solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels remain prevalent in the scenarios even when emissions reach net-zero. Finally, residual emissions and offsetting negative emissions are not evenly distributed across world regions, which may have important implications for negotiations on burden-sharing, human development, and equity.

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School Authors: Allen Fawcett, Gokul Iyer, Alicia Zhao

Other Authors: John Bistline, Aaron Bergman, Geoffrey Blanford, Maxwell Brown, Dallas Burtraw, Maya Domeshek, Anne Hamilton, Jesse Jenkins, Ben King, Hannah Kolus, Amanda Levin, Qian Luo, Kevin Rennert, Molly Robertson, Nicholas Roy, Ethan Russell, Daniel Shawhan, Daniel Steinberg, Anna van Brummen, Grace Van Horn, Aranya Venkatesh, John Weyant, Ryan Wiser