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AmeriCorps Recognizes UMD School of Public Policy

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We are thrilled to announce that The School of Public Policy has earned the distinction of being named an AmeriCorps School of National Service (SNS). This recognition comes by way of the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Leadership (CNML), led by The Do Good Institute. SNS designation is awarded to post-secondary institutions that incentivize Americorps alumni to continue to make significant impact, and celebrate the invaluable contributions they make in driving positive social change across the nation.

AmeriCorps is a federal agency that promotes service and volunteerism throughout the country, enlisting individuals of all ages and backgrounds to dedicate their time to addressing the nation’s most pressing challenges and strengthening communities.

As a newly named SNS, the CNML program will offer four applicants who have completed service with AmeriCorps $3,000 in fellowship funding towards the Graduate Certificate program. This funding can be used to supplement the student's Americorps Segal Education Award. Recipients of this funding will also automatically be named as Nonprofit Management and Leadership fellows. 

“Through the CNML program, we empower nonprofit leaders to lead boldly, serve with purpose, and drive meaningful change. We look forward to continuing this important work and expanding our reach as a hub for service-driven leadership with Americorps alum,” shared Ebonie Johnson Cooper, Faculty Director, Nonprofit Executive Education and Training.

In addition to this financial support, the fellows will benefit from professional development opportunities, specialized networking events and a cohort of like-minded changemakers. These resources will empower them to advance their careers in nonprofit management and leadership.

The Do Good Institute remains committed to supporting AmeriCorps alumni and students by equipping them with the knowledge, skills and connections necessary to thrive in the nonprofit sector. This is a unique opportunity to build upon the service-driven foundation they’ve already established and continue to amplify the powerful impact of AmeriCorps members across the country.

For Media Inquiries:
Megan Campbell
Senior Director of Strategic Communications
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