At the University of Maryland, diversity, inclusion and belonging are common threads across Schools, colleges and units.
For policy students who might want to report an incident or discuss an issue, contact:
Chief Access and Success Officer
Equity Administrator
Title IX Officer
University Resources
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion provides leadership and expertise for helping the university achieve its diversity, equity and inclusion goals. Guided by social justice principles, ODI cultivates a vibrant learning and working community for all members. Explore the website for information about the office, its activities and programs, as well as equity and diversity initiatives on campus and beyond.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion's Bias Incident Support Services (BISS) is charged with addressing hate-bias incidents targeting UMD students, faculty and staff. The program responds, educates and reports to the campus community about bias, its impact, as well as protocols related to bias.
The office has made some significant progress in addressing hate-bias on campus. To date, they have:
- Implemented an updated hate-bias response protocol.
- Launched a new online reporting tool.
- Instituted hate-bias trainings.
- Formed a hate-bias response team.
To further support these efforts, the Office of Diversity & Inclusion has launched a Bias Incident Report Form.
The University of Maryland values diversity and is committed to creating an inclusive and respectful campus for students, faculty and staff. Acts of bias and intimidation go against our university’s core values. If you have been impacted by and/or have witnessed a hate-bias incident, you can file a report by completing the online form.
For questions regarding the log or any hate-bias programming, contact the Hate-Bias Response Program at biassupport@umd.edu.
We encourage our campus community to visit the website to access hate-bias resources, sign up for trainings and to learn more about the hate-bias response program.
There is still much work to be done, and we will continue to collaborate with key partners and stakeholders. Everyone has a part to play in creating a sense of belonging, and ensuring that hate and/or bias is properly and effectively addressed on campus.
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is committed to strategically and methodically assessing and improving the way inclusion and equity is demonstrated at UMD. The office can facilitate trainings in several areas, including, but not limited to:
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Implicit Bias
- Cultural Competency
The Teaching & Learning Transformation Center (TLTC)
- Equity & Inclusion: Through resources, programs, consultations, and learning communities, TLTC supports teachers in creating learning environments where students of all identities and backgrounds can flourish.
The misson of the Office of Civil Rights & Sexual Misconduct (OCRSM) is to support the University’s commitment to a working and learning environment free from sexual misconduct and discrimination. OCRSM is responsible for overseeing and implementing the University’s compliance with Title IX as well as other federal and state civil rights laws and regulations. The office also provides the Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures for the University.
Working closely with campus graduate programs, the Graduate School’s Office of Graduate Diversity and Inclusion (OGDI) recruits the best and brightest students to the vibrant campus graduate community, including those from historically underserved and underrepresented populations. OGDI also develops programs and initiatives to support, retain, and graduate these talented students, and fosters a strong inclusive community by providing opportunities for intellectual and social interaction.
OGDI also develops programs and initiatives to support, retain, and graduate these talented students, and fosters a strong inclusive community by providing opportunities for intellectual and social interaction. OGDI not only supports graduate students in their academic, professional, and personal endeavors, but also educates the campus community about the importance of diversity in the laboratory, the classroom, the workplace, and the community at large.
The Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education (OMSE) is an academic support unit that offers a variety of services and programs to enhance the academic experience of undergraduate students of various underrepresented ethnic backgrounds at the University of Maryland. The OMSE collaborates with several other campus offices and college programs to provide unique collegial opportunities for UMD’s diverse population.
The Office of Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA), housed within the Adele H. Stamp Student Union and the Division of Student Affairs, is committed to empowering students through education on issues of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion and their intersections. MICA advances a purposeful campus climate that capitalizes on the educational benefits of diversity through student-centered advising, advocacy, programs, research, and practices. Learn about MICA's programs and services for students and see what diversity-related events are occurring on campus.
The University of Maryland is committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, including undocumented students. Undocumented students, who often face barriers and challenges as they navigate campus policies, require support services that address their unique needs. As such, the Office of Multicultural Involvement & Community Advocacy (MICA) and the Asian American Studies Program (AAST) have partnered with other UMD departments and allies to increase institutional support for undocumented students, providing advising related to financial aid and admissions.
The University of Maryland is committed to the principle that no qualified individual with a disability shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefit of services, programs or activities at the University. The Accessibility and Disability Service (ADS) provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals to ensure equal access to services, programs and activities sponsored by the University of Maryland.
The Graduate Student Legal Aid Office (GLAO) provides free legal information, consultations, and referrals to UMD-College Park graduate students on a wide range of both off-campus and university matters.
The Undergraduate Student Legal Aid Office provides free assistance to currently enrolled University of Maryland undergraduate students. Funded by the Student Government Association, the Legal Aid Office has been helping University of Maryland students since 1976 with their legal questions.
The Counseling Service in the Counseling Center is the primary campus provider of free and confidential therapy to help UMD students manage personal, social, and academic challenges. Staffed primarily by licensed psychologists, the Counseling Service also conducts campus outreach presentations, provides emergency response services, and assists with referrals to off-campus mental health providers.
Additionally, policy students can meet with the embedded counselor in School of Public Policy.
The Ombuds Office works to ensure that undergraduate students receive fair and equitable treatment in matters of concern or complaints involving the University. The office assists students with resolving issues with the University, including those in which students are unsure where to go for assistance or those that may not be easily addressed through established policies or procedures.
African American Studies Department
African American Studies at the University of Maryland offers a truly interdisciplinary program of excellence focused on the Black experience in the U.S., Africa and the African Diaspora. The national and internationally renowned faculty conduct research on women and labor, social inequalities and health, educational inequalities and policy, incarceration and victimization, and family dynamics and health in sub-Saharan Africa.
Asian American Studies Program
The mission of the Asian American Studies Program is to foster excellence in research and education about Asian Americans in the United States. AAST focuses on the lives, history, and culture of Asians from a comparative point of view.
The Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity
The Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity (CRGE) is a university-wide, interdisciplinary research organization that collaborates with departments and colleges across the University of Maryland campus to promote faculty and graduate student development. It is dedicated to the promotion of intersectional scholarship examining the lived experiences of historically underrepresented minorities (URM) and dimensions of inequality.
Jewish Studies
The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies offers opportunities to follow your own intellectual interests to explore everything from ancient archeology to modern politics in Jerusalem, from the narratives of the Bible and the intricacies of medieval philosophy to the complex ambitions of film makers working in English, Yiddish or Hebrew. The interdisciplinary nature of Jewish studies provides opportunities to analyze texts, read critically, and argue persuasively in speech and in writing - qualities crucial for any career or advanced academic work.
Latin American Studies Center
The mission of the Latin American Studies Center (LASC) is to promote and build a community of students and faculty that is interested in learning and actively engaging with Latin American, Caribbean, and Latina/o history and culture.
Nyumburu Cultural Center
The Nyumburu Cultural Center is dedicated to advancing and augmenting the academic and the multi-cultural missions of the university by presenting a forum for the scholarly exchange and artistic engagement of African Diaspora culture and history.
Women's Studies
The Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies offers comprehensive programs in undergraduate and graduate education, with a range of interdisciplinary programs and opportunities for students interested in exploring how the intersections of gender, race, sexuality, ethnicity, nationality, ability and other inequalities configure historical and contemporary struggles for social change.
- East Asia Collection
- The Gordon W. Prange Collection
- S.L. and Eileen Shneiderman Collection of Yiddish Books
- Contemporary Newspapers of the North American Indian 1924-1974
- Latin American History and Culture: an Archival Record
- The Middle East: Special Studies
- Papers of the NAACP
- New Deal Agencies and Black America
The Interfaith Programs and Spiritual Diversity involvement area seeks to provide resources for the UMD community to engage in interfaith collaboration, spiritual development and learning. They also advise and support students and student organizations interested in issues of religion, secularity, spirituality and interfaith dialogue.
The mission of The ADVANCE program is to support the recruitment, retention, advancement, and professional growth of a diverse faculty.
The LGBTQ+ Equity Center provides the campus with leadership and expertise in building a fully equitable community; strengthens and supports people of diverse sexes, gender identities or expressions, and sexual orientations; and develops visible and vibrant LGBTQ+ campus communities.
Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Program
APA Minority Fellowship Program
NIH Individual Predoctoral Fellowships to Promote Diversity
Southern Regional Education Board Doctoral Scholars Program
Organization of Chinese Americans Scholarships
American Indian Graduate Center
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
APSA Diversity Fellowship Program
AEA Summer Economics Fellows Program
ASH Minority Student Scholarship
AAA Minority Dissertation Fellowship
University of Maryland Police Department
Individuals who believe an act or crime was motivated by hate or discrimination should contact the University Police immediately by calling 301-405-3555.