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Integrated Assessment Modeling of Grid Resilience: GCAM-to-PCM Scoping

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Campbell, A. M., Ghosal, M., Voisin, N., Davis, S., Bhatnagar, D., Iyer, G. C., ... & Kintner-Meyer, M. C. (2023). Integrated Assessment Modeling of Grid Resilience: GCAM-to-PCM Scoping-Methodology Report (No. PNNL-35165). Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA (United States).


Deep decarbonization towards a net-zero emissions future and the associated growth in power demand, renewables, and changes in water availability will require significant evolution in grid planning. Many obstacles threaten the viability of near-term generation capacity build out, including the need for large-scale transmission expansion. Current very long-term planning tools do not adequately model physical representations of economic dispatch and system topology down to inter- and intra-regional transmission and distribution infrastructure. This project attempts to fill that gap.

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School Authors: Allen Fawcett, Gokul Iyer, Kathleen Kennedy, Steven J. Smith

Other Authors: Wei Peng, Susan Anenberg, John Bistline, Mark Budolfson, Sara M. Constantino, Kelly Crawford, Kenneth Davis, Peter DeCarlo, Hayden Hashimoto, Casey Helgeson, Xinyuan Huang, Klaus Keller, Harry Kennard, Robert Laumbach, Vijay S. Limaye, Erin Mayfield, James McFarland, Michelle Meyer, Paul Miller, Andrew Place, Nicholas Roy, Christine Schell, Noah Scovronick, Vivek Srikrishnan, Donna Vorhees, Yuanyu Xie